Children who steal money from their parents generally do so to go and spend it amongst their peers. Maybe your child feels that he or she is not being accepted by his peers and hence finds it necessary to impress them with the money spent. Another reason could be that maybe the pocket money he or she gets is very small compared to what his or her friends get and they feel ashamed with such little money.
Whatever the case, explain to your child that the amount of pocket money is a consequence of your family’s affordability and understanding of the child’s requirement. Tell them that if they wanted more they should have asked for it. Ask them to explain the reason for wanting more pocket money. If it is valid, increase the pocket money (see the articles on Allowances). Maintain an annual cycle of this increase. Do not make it a power play, by displaying anger or temper. Let your child know that by stealing money, they are breaking the love and trust that everyone in the family must-have for each other. Monitor them closely.