Various people in different settings and environments can impart sex education to young adults or children. Sex education in school will be more formal and organized and will help your child to know the biological basics that she needs to know. It will help her to realize that when puberty comes, the changes her body is going through are normal. In addition to this parents need to share the value system that they (and their family) follow. This will help young children to follow the right course as far as sexual activity is concerned.
Besides this, you can encourage the child to talk to anyone she feels comfortable with. This could be her favorite aunt or grandmother, or even a friend’s mother. While you do that, you must at the same time try to get over your inhibitions and start casual dialogues with your daughter. As a parent, you must try and find a way to open lines of communication on every topic including this. It is never too late to start. As you begin, you will find that it is easier than it seemed. Just be attentive to various clues to make a start. When you find her curious about anything, be honest in your approach. This will help you in the future not only with sex-related issues but also with other important issues related to life.