- What is the right age at which I should tell my child that he/she is adopted?
- Should I tell my child who her biological parents are? Should I allow a meeting between them if my child wants it?
- My child says he hates me and wants to go back to his biological mother? Help!
- If my child wants to go back and live with the biological parents, what should I do?
- My adopted child feels that I love her lesser than my biological child
- My adopted child feels that there is something wrong with her, and that’s the reason for her biological parents to have given her away for adoption
- I already had one biological child before adopting it. I don’t feel the same love for my adopted child. Am I a terrible parent? Help!
- My 3-year-old child throws tantrums at everything-is it normal?
- How do I react and calm down my child during a tantrum?
- My child is taken care of by the grandparents and the household help, while both of us parents are at work all day. She seems to get angry very quickly - what’s the reason?
- My child starts hitting everyone when she is angry.
- My 6-year-old daughter is otherwise a soft-spoken child but she sleeps, talks and is generally having an argument or fighting with someone in her sleep. I have tried speaking to her about it but she doesn’t seem to remember anything the next morning. Please help me deal with the situation.
- My 16-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter have been sharing the same bedroom since they have been toddlers. My concern is if it is OK for them to share a bedroom now since they are both teenagers?
- My child sleeps too much or too little. What can I do?
- My child gets very cranky around 4 in the evening, but she refuses to have a nap. What is the solution?
- My child is 5 years and is still wetting her bed. What can I do?
- My child doesn’t sleep well during the day and refuses to wake up on time. What can I do?
- My child gets nightmares. What must I do?
- My child wakes up often and comes to my room. What can I do to stop this?
- At what age should I shift my child into a separate room? How should I do this?
- I have just had a second baby and my firstborn is extremely jealous of her. She tries her best to attract my attention and complains I love my newborn baby more than her.
- I have a five-year-old and a 3-month-old baby. My older child has suddenly become disobedient, she occasionally soils her clothes even though she is fully potty trained. I feel she is jealous of the newborn. What can I do to ease the situation?
- Nursing the newborn and being able to find time for my older child are becoming impossible. How do I manage this?
- My son who is three gets really mad every time I ask him to be quiet around the house. He makes sure that he creates a huge noise especially when the baby is sleeping. What should I do?
- My daughter aged 4 ½ completely ignores the baby as if he just doesn’t exist. She behaves as if there is no change or addition to the family and expects all of us to do the same. Help!
- My children fight, and then come to me trying to prove that each one is right. How can I help them find a solution on their own?
- What are the signs and symptoms that will tell me that my child may be suicidal?
- My child constantly asks me about death. Why is this so and should I worry?
- Why do people commit suicides? Is it preventable?
- What is the best treatment for a depressed child so that she doesn’t become suicidal?
- If a person tries to commit suicide once and fails, are they likely to try again?
- Should I seek a doctor's/psychiatric help if I suspect my child is depressed or suicidal?
- If my child cuts herself, what should I do?
- I am a working single parent and cannot fulfill the roles of both parents. I sense my child feels a vacuum when she sees the fathers of other kids doing things with them. How can I make up?
- I lost my wife due to health issues 6 months back. I feel very guilty that my children don’t have the love of a mother. Should I re-marry just to provide my children the love of both parents?
- My child is very shy and doesn’t answer people when they talk to her-she hides behind me instead. What can I do?
- My child is very shy and doesn’t take part in any activities. How can I help?
- My son is seven years old and he doesn’t participate in the class even when he knows the answers to the questions being asked. How should I handle him?
- I have a 10-year-old daughter. She shuts the door of her bedroom when we have guests at home? These are very embarrassing situations for me. Please help!
- My 14 year old daughter was always a shy child but now she has turned into a complete introvert. She doesn’t talk much and has very few friends.
- How can I try to turn my daughter into an extrovert and make her talk and speak?
- I am worried that my child will lose out in life because she doesn't talk much. What should I do?
- My son, Farooq does as little as possible and necessary to get by – be it academics or other activities or chores. What can I do to help?
- My child has lost interest in studies and says everyone cannot be good at everything. She is brilliant at music and wants to make that her career and wants to give up school. She says that there are a lot of good musicians who do not have basic education. Help!
- I am worried that starting sex education early might encourage my son to have sex? If he doesn’t know then why must I speak to him about it?
- I am a single father of a daughter and I am not very comfortable discussing sex or related issues with her. Who else can I rely on to talk to my child, as she is growing up and needs to understand the changes in her body?
- My 4 year old son has been rubbing himself very often. I have noticed that at any point if he is without his underwear, he will start feeling himself. When I first noticed this I was very upset and I scolded him. Did I do the right thing?
- My 14 year old son spends an average of 5-6 hours a day on the Internet. Should I curb Internet time or monitor what my son is doing on the Internet?
- Is sex education important or should I let my child find out about sex on his or her own?
- At what age must we start sex education?
- Are there any books on sex education?
- At what age can we let the children use the internet unsupervised?
- Is homosexuality learned or inherited?
- What should I do when my child tells me he is homosexual? What should I do if I suspect/find out that my child is homosexual?
- Is homosexuality a disease? Is it curable?
- What age is OK for my child to be attracted to the opposite sex?
- My younger daughter likes to share all her toys and things with my elder son. However, my son, who is 4 years older than my daughter, refuses to share any of his things with her. I have tried punishing my child and yet see no way of teaching him to share with his younger sister. Help!
- When my child was younger, she shared a lot more. Now, as she is growing, she doesn’t like to share anymore. She is always hiding her toys and screaming if anyone touches her things. She doesn’t even want her friends coming over because she will have to share her things with them. I am worried she will remain friendless if she goes on like this.
- When is the right age to start giving allowance to children?
- My child runs out of allowance mid week and wants more
- My child wants more allowance because his/her friend gets it.
- Should I give them additional allowance for doing chores like helping around the house or fetching something?
- Should I use allowance as a reward and give it only when they do what they are supposed to and withdraw it due to bad behaviour?
- Should the allowance be daily or weekly or monthly?
- Should I give my child separate money (to spend) and separate money to save (to inculcate the saving habit)?