Kids who are not adopted and live with their biological parents say this as well! It is not uncommon for parents to hear “I don’t like you. I want a different mother”. Or “I hate you. My friend’s mother is nice. I wish she were my mother as well”. So this kind of reaction from kids need not be connected with the fact that they are adopted and hence they are saying it. There’s no need to overreact and there’s no need to feel hurt. But, if your child knows that he is adopted, then you need to watch out if this is being said a lot. Talk to your child to find out if it’s just a reaction like most kids have when they are upset with their parents or is he finding the courage to say this only because he is in a fit of anger. It may be that thought flashed across his mind that any other parents would be better than mine, so I want to meet my biological parents. If it seems more than a “normal” annoyed reaction, make sure you calm the child down and understand if he really has the desire to meet his biological parents.